Monday, January 08, 2007

Blame it on the rain?

The title reminds me of fraud, lies, and false-hoods. If for a moment you can recall the Milli-Vanilli scandal that rocked the American public in the 1990's with the discovery that they lip-synced their way to winning a Grammy. Talk about sketchy. YIKES!

That is exactly how I feel about every story related to "Global Warming". If it's too cold outside, it's because of Global Warming. If it's too hot outside, it's because of Global Warming. If I sneezed because my nose itched, it's because of Global Warming. GIVE ME A FREAKING BREAK! I do not dispute our global climate is changing because of the things we as humans are doing, but seriously...can we find another "thing" to blame?

The US Northern plain states are experiencing a warmer-than-normal winter. Seasonal birds have not migrated south for the winter, blah, blah, blah.

To make a change, there has to be smarter people making valid, reasonable, and concrete suggestions, correct? Obviously, we are not smart enough to stop making gas-guzzling cars and SUVs, so why not teach our future voters/tax payers/drivers to be more efficient? But since we are all wrapped up in appearances and perceptions - who would look cooler a 16-year old driving an economical Toyota Prius or a sexy full-sized Land Rover? Where is the incentive to leave gasoline powered cars behind and opt for something more efficient?

True, there is a tax credit for the 1st buyer, but what about the family who cannot afford a $25K new hybrid (which may not include the dealer mark-up)...what if they can only find a used one? The RESPONSE IS "Sorry folks, nothing for you. Enjoy your over-priced used Hybrid!"

So, rather than just target "Global Warming" as a newly discovered token word of the week - Let's shoot for a global overhaul on vehicles. I know the technology is expensive, but if large oil companies can get tax-credits and not pass them to us, why can't car manufacturers get huge tax-credits and say pass them off to purchasers as well? It's merely a suggestion.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Dawn of a New Day

So, here we are - another year behind us and birth of the New Year 2007. What will this new age mean to you?

All the statements and resolutions mean absolutely nothing unless you actually believe in them. Often, I am perceived as shallow and impervious to feelings less than skin deep, but I am determined to make someone else feel proud!

"I am stepping out of the ordinary. I can actually feel my soul ascending and you can do the same."

Welcome 2007 - may we all have an amazing & dynamic year.