Hello Blog-Buddies!
I wanted to introduce you to my new toy. I did not get this for Christmas, instead I had to pick this bad boy up on my own dime, but it's still a Happy Christmas present.
Ladies & Gentlemen - I'd like to introduce you to my new Apple Macbook Pro. She's a beauty, eh? Now, I am not one for pretentious products, but my previous laptop Gateway M-6824 crashed and burned. The OS completely stopped working and my internal hard drive disk was obliterated. Rather than continue barking about the Microsoft PC - I decided to venture into the world of Apple.
My overall impression? WOW! I don't know how to do everything on it yet, but I'm liking what I see and know now. As time progresses, I will keep you all posted on my mastery of the Apple but if it turns out to be a sweet device - I will let you know.
I'm pretty pumped about this little sexy beast and if you would like to have my previous model - I will be happy to send it to you, just let me know. I really want to give it to someone who wants/needs one. I'm not too keen on selling it because there are many folks that cannot afford one and if I can give one away - I would be happy to send it over.
So, from me to you - peace out girl scout.