Sunday, December 16, 2007

In and Out of Time

This is a beautiful testimony of love, true love that inspires, that fills, that completes, that lifts, that boosts, that breathes life into all whom read:

The sun has come.
The mist has gone.
We see in the distance...
our long way home.
I was always yours to have.
You were always mine.
We have loved each other in and out of time.
When the first stone looked up at the blazing sun
and the first tree struggled up from the forest floor
I had always loved you more.
You freed your braids...
gave your hair to the breeze.
It hummed like a hive of honey bees.
I reached in the mass for the sweet honey comb there....
Mmmm...God how I love your hair.
You saw me bludgeoned by circumstance.
Lost, injured, hurt by chance.
I screamed to the heavens....loudly screamed....
Trying to change our nightmares to dreams...
The sun has come.
The mist has gone.
We see in the distance our long way home.
I was always yours to have.
You were always mine.
We have loved each other in and out
in and out
in and out
of time.

- by Dr. Maya Angelou

Monday, October 15, 2007

How much do you know about God?

I rather like this God fellow. He's quite theatrical, you know. A pestilence here and a plague there.


Got to get me some of that.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

The Cost of Fuel Spring 2007

Greetings Citizens!

"We are living, in an age in which the pursuant of all values, other than Money, Success, Fame, Glamor, has either been discredited or destroyed" eloquently spoken in a very disturbing movie titled, Party Monster.

Now, I am sure you are wondering, what does this have to do with the price of fuel in America? I will tell you, these words are evident as the land we walk.

OK, so I am not the only one who has noticed the price of fuel when I fill up my gas tank. Today, I paid $3.1499 for a gallon of fuel, for 11-gallons my total Visa card purchase was $34.65. Ouch! Did you or your company's annual "pay increase" budget for this? Probably not.

So, now I pose the question, why are we paying so much for fuel? I will be glad to openly and honestly tell you! Reflecting back to your economics class, remember, "Supply & Demand"? Basically, when you have a high demand for a product/service and a limited supply, prices will rise. When there is an overabundance of supply, with limited or no demand for the product/service, prices will fall.

Now that you've been reminded, let's think more about why we are paying so much. Define fuel demand. Demand can be defined as a strong need or desire for something (like bathroom tissue, paper, food, shelter, etc.). It has been reported that we (humans) use 1.6 Million barrels of oil a day. That's a lot of oil! Granted supply is limited (damn limited number of dinosaurs), at what point does someone think, "Hey, how can I profit from this?" Using the lesson we just learned about Supply & Demand, they (OPEC) decided "let's cut supply and call it maintenance or something". The result would be record earnings for oil companies AGAIN and record fuel prices AGAIN.

What about previous reasons for higher costs like increasing demands for fuel, hurricanes, terrorism, an overturned semi-truck, or a raccoon caught in a trap in Alaska? That must be the reason for higher fuel prices right? I heard it from some no-name fuel analyst or "talking head" on CNN.

I pray that we are not that disconnected, granted I do not doubt we use a lot of oil (1.6 MM barrels daily) but the other reasons were minuscule that may have had very limited if any impact on the cost we pay for fuel today. Those scapegoats were just statements to appease the public. The real reason is ** the American dream, to have the most money, to be the most successful, to be the most famous, and wear glamorous clothes. ** I mean, why not exploit a traded commodity that can make a lot of people MORE WEALTHY. Let's be honest, if we were benefiting from the healthy dividends, we would not be complaining. I mean, Tiffany has to drive her Range Rover for safety and Tyler needs his Yale education, he got all C's this semester - we are so proud! He will make a brilliant President!

In the real world, which I and most of you live in, we do not have that luxury. So, now I ask:


We can reduce our fuel consumption by maintaining our vehicles, we can minimize our vehicle trips, we can use mass transit in our cities, we can even car-pool. This being said, what if we are already doing that? What else can I do? The reality is NOTHING! The oil industry has something we need, not want. If we want to get to work, go to school, visit our family, heat our homes - we need fuel...AT ANY COST and they know it.

Referring back to economics, what can help drive down the cost of something? Competition. We have many different oil companies and manufacturers in the world; however there is only one agenda - to make more money. Real competition would be another resource readily available to use instead of gasoline/diesel - that is the only way to reduce costs.

What has been done to get us to that point in time to have alternative fuel sources? Pretty much the same thing as mentioned above NOTHING! There are too many people fully invested in oil to actively pursue something else. Could you envision if our current gasoline/diesel powered vehicles could easily accept something renewable like hydrogen without having to buy yet another $30,000 car? I am probably going to be killed for making these claims, but it NEEDS TO BE SAID.

You know what sucks the most? The average American family has enough issues and debts to deal with and with business people obligated to impress their shareholders, we have are subject to their rules and game. Sorry everybody, what they are doing is not illegal (unless you say gouging), but it does lead to questions of ethics. Is it ethical to cause financial hardship on people for your own personal gain? I strongly believe most would say yes.

Come on, it's American Capitalism - great concept- especially if you are the one profiting from it!

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Love Me or Hate Me

Love me or hate me, it's still an obsession
Love me or hate me, that is the question

If you love me then, Thank You!
If you hate me then, F*ck You!

Go on then, go 'head report me
I'm English, try and deport me.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Starbucks Experience

I just got home from Starbucks, where I was greeted by a very lovely voice with tons of energy and excitement. I was so impressed with her attitude, I engaged her and started responding with tons of happiness and energy.

Then she mentioned as I was smiling, "You have a beautiful smile!" I was just about to say, "Do you have a camera" when she piped up and said, "Yes we do have a camera and u do have a very beautiful smile." I was starting to turn red, but moved up to the drive thru window to pay for my Tall Carmel Apple Cider w/o whipped cream ($2.30).

When I got to the window the same lovely voice accepted my Visa card and another guy w/ a lot of energy handed me a my drink in a Venti ($4.08) cup, not a Tall. On the side of the cup, was written "To the guy w/ a great smile." Followed with a smiley face (see example --> :-)

That definitely created a WOW factor for me and despite their expensive price tag, I will continue visiting that Starbucks because they know how to dazzle and amaze their clients.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Clarity through Feeling

It's not what you say, before we start to play. It's what you say after that makes me want to stay.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Blame it on the rain?

The title reminds me of fraud, lies, and false-hoods. If for a moment you can recall the Milli-Vanilli scandal that rocked the American public in the 1990's with the discovery that they lip-synced their way to winning a Grammy. Talk about sketchy. YIKES!

That is exactly how I feel about every story related to "Global Warming". If it's too cold outside, it's because of Global Warming. If it's too hot outside, it's because of Global Warming. If I sneezed because my nose itched, it's because of Global Warming. GIVE ME A FREAKING BREAK! I do not dispute our global climate is changing because of the things we as humans are doing, but seriously...can we find another "thing" to blame?

The US Northern plain states are experiencing a warmer-than-normal winter. Seasonal birds have not migrated south for the winter, blah, blah, blah.

To make a change, there has to be smarter people making valid, reasonable, and concrete suggestions, correct? Obviously, we are not smart enough to stop making gas-guzzling cars and SUVs, so why not teach our future voters/tax payers/drivers to be more efficient? But since we are all wrapped up in appearances and perceptions - who would look cooler a 16-year old driving an economical Toyota Prius or a sexy full-sized Land Rover? Where is the incentive to leave gasoline powered cars behind and opt for something more efficient?

True, there is a tax credit for the 1st buyer, but what about the family who cannot afford a $25K new hybrid (which may not include the dealer mark-up)...what if they can only find a used one? The RESPONSE IS "Sorry folks, nothing for you. Enjoy your over-priced used Hybrid!"

So, rather than just target "Global Warming" as a newly discovered token word of the week - Let's shoot for a global overhaul on vehicles. I know the technology is expensive, but if large oil companies can get tax-credits and not pass them to us, why can't car manufacturers get huge tax-credits and say pass them off to purchasers as well? It's merely a suggestion.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Dawn of a New Day

So, here we are - another year behind us and birth of the New Year 2007. What will this new age mean to you?

All the statements and resolutions mean absolutely nothing unless you actually believe in them. Often, I am perceived as shallow and impervious to feelings less than skin deep, but I am determined to make someone else feel proud!

"I am stepping out of the ordinary. I can actually feel my soul ascending and you can do the same."

Welcome 2007 - may we all have an amazing & dynamic year.