Thursday, December 07, 2006

One of these mornings

One of these mornings,
it won't be very long.
You will look for me,
and I'll be gone.
I'll be gone.

I'll be gone.

Everything. Everyone. Everywhere. Ends.

"Ascension" was painted by John Pitre

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Life is a Journey.

I saw a great movie this holiday, Cars. I know, I'm probably the only person in the world who has not seen this movie, but I must say it was, SPLENDIDLY DONE.

Cars has a great story, great characters, and great soundtrack. I admit, I am not a country fan, but hot damn Rascal Flatts are some bad ass guys! Their cover of "Life is a Highway" is brilliant. I first heard these guys as their song "Bless the Broken Road" played at a friend's wedding.

My point is about the movie - sorry, I tend to get side-tracked often.

Impressed by the words of Nissan Motors North America founder and race-inspired "Father of the Z car", Yutaka Katayama:

Love Cars. Love People. Love Life.

See ya on the road of life...Enjoy the Ride!!!

Friday, October 20, 2006

Dots of Life

When I first arrived in New York City, it was this cluster of massive dots, all jumbled and disconnected. It was pretty disorienting.

I hung out with my family and met new people. They introduced me to more people. All of a sudden, I find myself sharing stories of friends back home and looking forward to keeping the new ones I met here.

I like to think from God's perspective it all makes sense. We are not just dots, instead we are all connected, and it's beautiful, and it's funny, and it's good. We cannot expect it to make sense right now, but I believe I have learned something important from them and them from me.

Maybe that is the glory of faith - it is not something external but something you possess inside. And it's beautiful, and it's funny, and it's good!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

This is me

Live from New York, a city that can make some and destroy many - I just finished reading a quote that reaffirmed my belief in me:
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves, "Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous?" Actually, who are you not to be? We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same."
As I continue to uncover all the talents that make me, me, I look forward to seeing and learning what makes you, you!

Sunday, October 15, 2006

The US vs. John Lennon

In the words of a musician and political activist John Lennon and his quirky wife Yoko Ono:

"All we are give peace a chance."

With a similar war waging on in Iraq and after watching the subject title documentary, I have
realized, we are dealing with the same situation like the Vietnam War. However, this time, we do not have stand up persons like the Black Panthers or John Lennon to command that type of media attention. If my memory serves me correctly, I believe the Dixie Chicks were "blacklisted" by the establishment/government.

In a world of confusion, conflict, and continued hatred towards everyone - I now understand if I want to make a change, I must be my own activist and vocalize my feelings/thoughts - then and maybe only then will we be ejected from all this despair.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Real Definition of Peace

In a world of war and violence, this is something to remember:

Peace is much deeper than the absence of war.


Tuesday, July 18, 2006

God Hates America because...

I had a pretty fun evening with some friends tonight. We all went out to dinner at a local place called Fric & Frac, and somehow we got on a topic about a military funeral where a man and his followers from Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, KS were protesting with this slogan:

"God Hates America because of Fags"

While thinking more about this situation, we uncovered some tongue-in-cheek satire that we are going to start sharing with other people. I've found over the course of history, many people find irony and humor in things they are oppressed by, so here are our ideas and slogans going forward. Basically, those people being judged will not find this organization as effective as they try to be.

Here are some sample ideas we'd like to introduce to the world:

God Hates America because of Kia
God Hates America because of ugly people
God Hates America because of stucco
God Hates America because of Lite Beer
God Hates America because of the AOL
God Hates America because of shag carpet
God Hates America because of the state of Montana
God Hates America because of the mullet hair style
God Hates America because of the color lavender
God Hates America because of trailer parks

As you can see, the people who are going around "preaching" this crap are pretty insane. I too have come up with random stuff to say why "God Hates America...". Does any of this really matter? No! Does anyone really care about this mess? I hope not. Can I get a National Talk Show? Let the Bidding Begin Now!

I think as more people encounter these types of protests and are quick to come up with their own rebuttals, the church's protests will lose it's effectiveness. Do not let this crap overwhelm you or consume you - only one judges and it's not the church of Topeka, KS determining if you are welcomed or not. Honestly, I just do not get it. It would seem more reasonable to get more flies with honey than vinegar. If I had never heard of Christ or Christianity before, I would not want to be in a faith that would say/do things like this. Ah, this is where the inbreeding begins...I get it now!

It's war Ladies and Gentlemen. It's not a physical war, but a war on craziness. I am no "Bible thumper", but I do not believe we can cherry pick topics in the Bible and target a group of people to attack.

I guess I am ready to step up to the plate and take on the world...Get ready, I'm busting loose. I'm ready for the challenge.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Value of Your Worth

Here is my hypothetical question...

OK, let's say that your employer calls you in for a meeting and says the following:
"Hi, thanks for meeting with us today. You do an excellent job and we admire your work & brilliance. To enhance your selling power of yourself and the company, we request only one maintain a weight of 135 lbs. give or take 5-pounds for your height. If you can maintain that position while working for us, we would gladly pay you X amount of $ per year."
When presented with this question, what would you do if X was defined with six digits?

Saturday, June 24, 2006


There are a billion monkeys sitting at a billion typewriters typing. Last year a monkey typed "Romeo & Juliet" by accident. One of the monkeys typed a local weather report. Another typed a Michael Crichton novel that Michael Crichton won't write...for 10-years. And another typed the story...of your life, all by accident.

A billion monkeys sitting at a billion typewriters, typing. Who can say when they have exhausted every possible combination...of our 26-little letters? Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but one day they'll be done.

So when our language is spent, and we're all out of words...what will you say?

Saturday, 3 a.m.

Here I am wide awake. Waiting for time to mend this part of me, that keeps on breaking...

At 1:21 a.m., I received a call that my youngest cousin of 19 years old passed away. She could not sustain her life battling sickle cell anemia.

After a few hours or crying and thinking, I recalled all the wonderful memories I have to share with my future family. Details about a cousin who despite all odds survived and accomplished her goal of graduating high school.

This may seem trivial for you, but unfortunately, many people will not get that opportunity for whatever reason.

As I am sitting here reflecting on the different aspects of life, I wonder how can so many things cause people to be so cruel. What was that point in their lives that made them deviate from good? It may sound philosophical and all, but I guess tragedy causes me to think "Big Picture".

My cousin, Rebecca Byrd, freshman at the University of Texas did what she could for as long as she could. I watched her call up to heaven and I watched crawl down through hell, I still can't get over you and I know I never will.

Nothing I say can bring you back, I've got nothing left to show, but wonderful picture and memories of our time we spent hanging out with your folks! Rebecca, I will always love you now and forever, Rest In Peace and may God and Christ welcome you into their kingdom of peace.