Sunday, December 26, 2010

Wow, 2010 comes to a close...

Greetings citizens:

Can you believe we are almost at the end of 2010? Where did the year go? Not sure about you, but wanted to recap very briefly about this year and all the lessons I've learned from everyone I know:
  1. Life is precious and it's slipping away - every day is a great day when you get to see it!
  2. Friends come and Friends you let go - YOU are IMPORTANT enough to be respected!
  3. No matter where you travel in life - this world and it's story is awesome!
  4. Be honorable, respectful, and humble - it's amazing what GREAT things can manifest!
  5. Love yourself and stop taking yourself so seriously!
I know this wasn't comprehensive, but this is a great reflection of how much I have learned and how far I've become in a year. This has been a year of growth and development. I'm happy with each experience presented to me and recognize I'm much better for them.

I've traveled around, been to many places. I've made new friends and so many new faces. I've had fun running into the sunset, splashed around in the crystal blue grotto, tasted the foods of other cultures, and lost myself in the stories of others.

This year has been a blessing and wish all of you a positive 2010 and even more exciting 2011. Celebrate you this moment and remember you are something to remember now and forever!

Much love,


Saturday, October 09, 2010

Feel the Rhythm

Greetings Citizens:

OK, so today is October 9th and I pretty much slept all day because of a mad crazy week. Tonight, I'm again trying to figure out how to play poker. Again? Yea, because I've been shown a few times but this time I'm really committed to learning the game for all it's worth.

Before I jet out to get taken for all I've got - I decided to thump a few tunes on the iPod. It's funny how after about 5+ years you accumulate all this random music that you have disregarded but when you sudden hear the great beats you once loved, it brings a smile to your face.

I'm rocking out to some old school beats from the late 80's and early 90's. So, whatever you do tonight, tomorrow, or in the future - don't take yourself so seriously, enjoy the moment, and whatever you do - forget the past and enjoy this moment!!!

Feel the rhythm come over you and have a real good time! Sing out loud, dance like nobody's watching, and bring harmony into your world.

That's with love - always! ;)


Saturday, September 04, 2010

He believes in You & Me

Greetings Citizens:

Have you ever heard the statement, God doesn't give you more than what He thinks you can handle? If not, have you heard, Be careful of what you wish for because it just might come true? Well, this week was a great example of that!

My boss is pregnant with twins and she asked me offline if I could do something for her - she is 7-months along in her pregnancy and her doctor has ordered her to remain at home for the duration until the boys arrive.

For the next 4-6 months, she wants me to fill in for her. Of all 8 direct reports, she has asked me. Part of my responsibilities will be to keep the region moving forward, achieving great successes, and continue with my team's award winning success.

Privately, this has been something I've considered for some time. I'm interested in learning more about her position and that opportunity has come true. As I promised to her and now to you, I promise to not let her down. I promise to do the very best I can do, and welcome her return to a team that is equally if not more engaged.

I must remind myself that my job is to wow, inspire, amuse, and delight the team that I'm directly responsible for and now the entire region. Because I will do a great job, additional options will become available to me, that will include additional advancements and wonderful learning experiences.

My love and appreciation is always to God for believing in me and permitting me the chance to project the glory of Him that lives within also lives in you!


Thursday, July 01, 2010


Recently, I have been feeling a bit out of place albeit disconnected from the world around me.

After speaking to my life-coach Nicholas, he reminded me of something spectacular and unique about me I have the ability to overcome all kinds of obstacles. Each one of us has this ability, but I have figured out how to control this intangible aspect of life.

I was quickly reminded about the benefits my life has brought to the world around me:

1) I am greater than the things that bring me down
2) I am stronger than the steel that constructs a building
3) I am better than those who eject positivity
4) I am wiser than people 40+ years my senior
5) I am brighter than the sun that illuminates the solar system
6) I am larger than the tallest mountain
7) I am cooler than a cold winter breeze

As I listened with an open mind, I felt a resurgence in my soul. It was something I could compare only to electricity. Yea, electricity! The energy surged through my soul and I felt liberated.

Standing at this precipice, we can decide which direction we are going to take. Life is really simple if you think about's all about decisions Left, Right, Up, Down. That's it. We overly complicate Life, but if we reduce it to it's most simplistic - its pretty damn simple.

Overcome any obstacle thrown your way with a positive attitude and see the people of the world quickly follow.

Friday, April 09, 2010

It's been a long time coming

Hello & Greetings Citizens!

Spring has arrived in the US and we all are extremely grateful! Winter plays havoc on the psyche and luckily we have survived the cold bitter grasp!

It's been a long time coming for which I can proudly say, today was a lovely day! Everything positive was the goal and with a little help from my friends it was amazing.

My lesson for you today is to keep your chin up, maintain a positive disposition and don't let anything get in your way. With life being simple at best, we as humans complicate it. Amidst all the madness and confusion - no matter how badly it makes you want to scream, you can only change one thing...that one thing is you!

Believe and know the power of you and nothing can rain on your parade!

Happy day to all of you.


Thursday, January 07, 2010

Rebel Inside

Greetings Citizens!

I want to share with you some truth; here is my truth:

A rebel is someone who never fails to remind themselves to be creative. They are the nonconformists who thrive in the world of peculiar. Sure, they may be mocked or criticized, but they possess something more exciting than those who ridicule them. They possess their own individuality.

Being a rebel does not mean driving insanely fast on the highway or drinking cheap beer or breaking out car windows. A true rebel seeks genuine individualism. They are the ones who don't need labels to showcase or titles to command attention. Nope. Rebels are the people who challenge the status quo and unknowingly earn the respect of a nation.

Today, I have found the rebel in me and it's on fire! It's the inspiration that keeps me going, it's energy that produces electricity, it's the power of my existence. Now, that's HOT!

We are the masters of our lives! We are the anthems of our youth! We are greater than the commodities that spoon-feed a pseudo-form of reality.

I dare you to liberate your creativity and fuel your identity!

Celebrate YOU & invite others to do the same,


Friday, January 01, 2010

Happy New Year - Welcome 2010

Happy New Year citizens!

Can you believe another year has gone by? It's fun to reflect about 2009, all the good and bad times. Just remember, the experiences you've lived through last year prepared you for the new year.

If you are regretting or sad about the 2009 year, now is your chance to reject the baggage and be overly grateful that you lived to see today.

So, with all my love, let's welcome 2010! With your help, we will can make it a rock star year!