Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I'm sitting here crying because I felt God tonight! While speaking with my friend Brian about some financial businesses he's been going through, something took over my body and words of LOVE overwhelmed me.

What I felt and said could not be explained, except with WOW! I couldn't say anything without hyperventilating because it was so much to handle. It felt amazing! Better than electricity...it felt divine.

The primary message I took out and said repeatedly to my friend was "BE GRATEFUL to God for He put you through hell and fire so you would grow closer to Him. "

Everything we're provided good/bad, whatever the case is to help us grow. Sometimes we falter & must re-live some bad times if we failed to learn what we needed to learn. Wow, this was something we can share with everyone we encounter.

Looking back over your life and where you are today. Why wouldn;t you be singing how awesome God is for loving you so much to giving you today! When given today, what have you learned? How did you make someone feel loved? What did you share with another? Who would you like bring along your journey tomorrow (if given tomorrow)? Where do you want to leave your legacy to share the glory of God that thrives within you and all of us?

Be kind, Be loving, Be human, and Be grateful because you are loved more than you can imagine.



Friday, February 18, 2011

It's been awhile, but I'm still here

Greetings Citizens!

Yes, it's been awhile since I last posted about the upcoming Verizon iPhone 4. Now, did I get one? Sorry to say, I did not...but why you ask? Simply because the iPhone 5 may be released this summer and why waste my time/energy on last year's model when I can embrace the Brand Spankin' New iPhone. Yup, I still have some common sense, thanks Spallo for the clarity!

OK, but I really want to share are some best practices taught to me over the past 32-years of my life by my parents, friends, family, life experiences, etc.. I hope you find these statements to be valuable in your life:

  • "Do unto others as you'd have them do onto you"
  • "Every day we're given the opportunity to learn something new and if we don't we will be forced to relive the experience until we do learn something"
  • "The things you own end up owning you"
  • "Life is a Journey. Enjoy the ride!"
  • "You can't change nobody but YOU!"
Now friends, whatever challenges you may be facing, remember that if you face each obstacle with an open heart and everything you say and do are from love the world will be right as rain.

Take care! Be safe! Love today and every day!
