Thursday, July 01, 2010


Recently, I have been feeling a bit out of place albeit disconnected from the world around me.

After speaking to my life-coach Nicholas, he reminded me of something spectacular and unique about me I have the ability to overcome all kinds of obstacles. Each one of us has this ability, but I have figured out how to control this intangible aspect of life.

I was quickly reminded about the benefits my life has brought to the world around me:

1) I am greater than the things that bring me down
2) I am stronger than the steel that constructs a building
3) I am better than those who eject positivity
4) I am wiser than people 40+ years my senior
5) I am brighter than the sun that illuminates the solar system
6) I am larger than the tallest mountain
7) I am cooler than a cold winter breeze

As I listened with an open mind, I felt a resurgence in my soul. It was something I could compare only to electricity. Yea, electricity! The energy surged through my soul and I felt liberated.

Standing at this precipice, we can decide which direction we are going to take. Life is really simple if you think about's all about decisions Left, Right, Up, Down. That's it. We overly complicate Life, but if we reduce it to it's most simplistic - its pretty damn simple.

Overcome any obstacle thrown your way with a positive attitude and see the people of the world quickly follow.